out of dedication for working with texts and illustrations

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About our company

Artepagina office

Our Working Place

Although Artepagina is a DTP of­fice es­tab­lished only in 2018, we myself have worked in DTP since 2000. We are in­ter­ested mainly in type­set­ting and book design.
      We can also pre­pare smaller pub­lic­a­tions such as cata­logues, leaf­lets and other. We ad­dress our offer largely to pub­lish­ing houses, re­search in­sti­tutes and com­pan­ies. We work with large and com­plex doc­u­ments, full of foot­notes, tables, il­lus­tra­tions and math­em­at­ical for­mu­las with great pas­sion and dedication.

Our offer


  1. Layout book designs,
  2. Typesetting and prepress,
  3. Typesetting and preparing elec­tronic pub­lic­a­tions (e‑books),
  4. Editing of math­em­at­ical formulas.

Editing of graphics

  1. Professional editing and prepress of ras­ter graph­ics (photos — colour and light cor­rec­tion, noise re­duc­tion, sharpen­ing, per­spect­ive ad­just­ment, retouching,
  2. Editing of vector graphics,
  3. Creating graphics based on mod­els and de­scriptions,
  4. Creating artistic graphics, eg. based on pho­tos, il­lus­trations.

Working with texts

  1. Editing and proofreading,
  2. Advanced typographical and mi­cro­ty­po­graph­ical cor­rections,
  3. Typesetting according to the rules of the lan­guage,
  4. Typesetting in Latin and Cyril­lic al­phabets,
  5. Typesetting of texts full of Hebrew, Chinese and Ja­pan­ese characters.

Designs ac­cord­ing to PDF/X-1a norm


A sense of Form: the art of David Bromberg

a page from A sense of Form: the art of David Bomberg for Tako Publishing House.

Kusama Yayoi czyli obsesja kropek

a page from Kusama Yayoi… for Tako Publishing House.

Miniatura matematyczna 2

a page from Miniatura matematyczna 2 for Aksjomat Publishing House.

Tablice matematyczne

a page from Tablice matematyczne for Aksjomat Publishing House.

Edgar Norwerth 1884–1950

a page from Edgar Norwerth 1884–1950 for Tako Publishing House.

Art in Jewish society

a page from Art in Jewish society for Tako Publishing House.


a page from Leksykon pedagogiki for Żak Publishing House.


a page from Leksykon diagnostyki for Żak Publishing House.


a page from Kindergeld… for Monika Bickert and Aksjomat Publishing House.

Современная мечеть…

a page from Современная мечеть… for Tako Publishing House.

Mała Liga Zadaniowa

a page from Mała Liga Zadaniowa for Aksjomat Publishing House.


a page from Miniatura matematyczna 57 for Aksjomat Publishing House.

Kangur Matematyczny Suplement 2017

a page from Kangur Matematyczny Suplement 2017 for Aksjomat Publishing House.

Vademecum z języka polskiego

a page from Vademecum z języka polskiego for Aksjomat Publishing House.


a page from Gingerbread for Emporium Publishing House.

Przewodnik Toruń Spacerkiem

a page from Toruń Spacerkiem for Emporium Publishing House.

Sztuka i tworczość

the book cover Sztuka i tworczość for Żak Publishing House.

Opresja w szkole

the book cover Opresja w szkole for Żak Publishing House.

Stymulowanie rozwoju…

the book cover Stymulowanie rozwoju… for Żak Publishing House.


the book cover Schematy i atrybucje… for Żak Publishing House.

Contact us

Artepagina Wojciech Prusakiewicz
Address: Kraszewskiego 19 lok. 4,
87-100 Toruń, Poland
Tax No. (PL: NIP): 5221054416
mobile: +48 667 278 871